Canada Pharmacy Blog

Total Posts: 565

Vitamin C?

Vitamin C?

There are many health benefits by making sure you intake enough Vitamin C in a day. The best way to get Vitamin C is through food but supplements as well.

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What Is Vitamin A And Why Is It Important?

What Is Vitamin A And Why Is It Important?

Have you ever asked what is vitamin A and how does it benefit my health? Learn how it benefits your health and how to get your daily intake.

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What Is Acid Reflux and How Can It Be Fixed?

What Is Acid Reflux and How Can It Be Fixed?

It occurs when stomach acid is released, which goes up into the esophagus and the muscular tube. This will usually cause discomfort/pain known as heartburn.

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Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the body's response to protect the body from harm. By eating the right foods you can reduce inflammation and feel comfortable again.

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Facts About Obesity

Facts About Obesity

Many people struggle with being overweight in North America. There is however a solution to this problem that can be solved with a few easy steps per week.

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End The Sleepless Nights

End The Sleepless Nights

Learn how you can end the sleepless nights the natural way. By simply changing a few things in your day you can have a great nights rest.

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Create A Healthy Lifestyle Today

Create A Healthy Lifestyle Today

In today's society, there has been a common trend to be a part of a fitness and healthy living movement. However, in many cases this consists of extreme dieting and many hours spent at the gym.

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What Are You Really Getting Out Of Your Fruits & Vegetables?

What Are You Really Getting Out Of Your Fruits & Vegetables?

Many people do not realize what the actual benefits are of eating the right fruits and veggies. This list explains why you should eat certain foods.

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Need Brain Food

Need Brain Food

There are many different types of brain food eat to boost brain power. Here are some of the best: Salmon, Avocado, DHA, Polyunsaturated Fats, and more.

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Natural Remedy’s To Help With A Sore Throat

Natural Remedy’s To Help With A Sore Throat

There are many natural remedies you can use to soothe a sore throat. Try some of these simple techniques to help your throat feel better today.

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