Canada Pharmacy Blog

Total Posts: 565

5 Foods That Can Help You Beat Afternoon Fatigue

5 Foods That Can Help You Beat Afternoon Fatigue

Learn how to beat afternoon fatigue with these five healthy foods. You will be surprised how good you feel after eating these foods.

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4 Tasty Ways To Use Plain Greek Yogurt

4 Tasty Ways To Use Plain Greek Yogurt

Plain greek yogurt is a great way to get protein into your diet. You can also make great tasting food such as apple crumble, pancakes, and mac & cheese.

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Top 10 Health Tips For Men

Top 10 Health Tips For Men

If you are looking to get into better shape and eat more healthy follow these simple steps towards a better and healthier you.

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18 Awesome Stability Ball Exercises

18 Awesome Stability Ball Exercises

The stability ball offers a wide variety of exercises you can do all with one simple light piece of equipment.

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15 Great Yoga Desk Stretches You Can Do In The Office

15 Great Yoga Desk Stretches You Can Do In The Office

Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day working in front of a computer is the new version of smoking. Its bad for your health and not reversible.

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13 Body Weight Moves You Can Do Anywhere

13 Body Weight Moves You Can Do Anywhere

Read on for tips on how to strengthen every part of your body including your legs, chest, arms and abs without any gym equipment.

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12 Secrets About Soda You Didn't Know

12 Secrets About Soda You Didn't Know

One of the main causes of obesity is the consumption of sugary drinks like soda. Here are a few secrets that you may not have known about soda.

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10 Tips for Holiday Stress Management

10 Tips for Holiday Stress Management

There are plenty of ways to handle holiday stress and enjoy the nicer aspects of the season. Here are the 10 ways we can cope with and avoid holiday stress.

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10 Nutritious Foods

10 Nutritious Foods

There are many nutritious foods to choose from. Make sure you try a wide selection of healthy foods to keep your diet interesting but healthy.

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10 Mental Health Benefits Of Working Out

10 Mental Health Benefits Of Working Out

By becoming more active on a daily basis you will find your mental health improving and your stress and anxiety decreasing.

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