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Why Is Restasis Expensive

Why Is Restasis Expensive

Wheels go round and round, and eyeballs are rounded in just the right way too for spinning in eye sockets the way they need to. It has also been said that it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, but eyeballs don’t squeak. And even if they did no one would ever be putting grease into their eyes. It’s tears that lubricate an eyeball, and when eyes are too dry their rounded shape isn’t enough to ensure avoiding discomfort. Restasis is a dry eye disease treatment medication, but why is Restasis so expensive? 

The explanation for its priciness is the same as it is for any prescription medication in the USA. Americans pay so much for Restasis and other Rx meds because the US FDA leaves drug pricing entirely to free market forces, and the caps on drug prices see in Canada are nowhere to be found. This is the biggest part of the reason why ordering medication from Canada is the better choice, and it’s our recommendation if you are looking for a better price on Restasis.  

It's also possible to order generic Restasis from Canada Pharmacy too, and considering it’s equally effective and costs much less there’s no good reason why you shouldn’t. The other truth about why is Restasis so expensive is because the pharma manufacturers who make the product put a lot of research and development into Rx medication safety.  

No one needs to be told that their eyes are more sensitive than other organs, and your sight is arguably the most essential of the 5 senses you use every day. Variable prescription pricing in the USA may be another reason why Restasis costs so much, and there’s not much to be done about that either.  

Immune Response Suppressor 

When a person has dry eye disease that movement doesn’t go effortlessly at all, and you could almost say the eyeballs aren’t so happy in their sockets. It may be helpful here to talk about how Restasis works to counter that dryness, and this is connected to is Restasis a steroid. It suppresses the immune system response, and not inflammation. Steroidal medications usually counter inflammation anywhere in the body, but the active ingredient in Restasis – cyclosporine – is an immunosuppressant. Restasis is not a steroid. 

What it does is serve as an artificial tears solution that provides the eyeballs with the lubrication they need. That’s great, but people are still inclined to ask why is Restasis so expensive? We’ve covered enough of that, and if you look at Xiidra or Restasis you’ll see that both work well for dry eye relief. But there is no generic Xiidra like there is for Restasis and so if a better price on artificial tears is your priority, then generic Restasis drops from Canada will be your best choice. Ask your doctor about this, as those with less severe symptoms may be fine with an OTC eyedrop. 

That’s all there is to say for why is Restasis so expensive. Have your prescription filled here at Canada Pharmacy if you need a lower price for Restasis. You can count on us for that, and we know how important it is to have well lubricated eyeballs.  

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.


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