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Most Common Angina Medication

what is angina

Some things should be tight like a drum, and how about an actual drum itself? The reason a well-tuned snare drum sounds so good is because it is wound up tight. That is what delivers the crack in the backbeat that’s had people dancing for generations. There’s also the saying to be ‘wound up like a top’ but that’s never a good thing to be so easily worked up, agitated, or stressed. That can be part of the reason people develop angina. What is angina? It is pain and tightness in the chest, and there’s nothing good about that either. Angina medications like Ranexa and Cardizem work well to relieve Angina.

When you learn that Angina is caused by arteries in the heart not getting enough oxygenated blood flow it is easy to understand how the bigger picture risk with this cardiovascular disease is that it may lead to a heart attack eventually. That can be big trouble and even people who survive heart attacks have to deal with the after effects for life. So what is Angina? It’s something that may eventually lead to major cardiac arrest if you don’t take proactive steps and see a doctor about it.

A properly oxygenated heart is a heart that pumps blood properly. And while we’re talking about music, the health benefits of music have been determined that when people listen to music that makes them feel good, then they have better blood flow. It’s always good when a song gets stuck in your head, but you don’t want anything getting stuck in your arteries and obstructing blood flow in and out of the heart.

We’ll look more closely now at what is Angina here and talk about other angina medications too. It’s something that is more a problem for men than it is for women, but the good thing about this condition is that it is unnerving enough that most people won’t delay seeing a doctor.

Play it Safe

If you’ve ever had severe indigestion, then you can probably relate to how the pain can radiate up into your chest. Sometimes people will mistake angina for radiating intestinal pain. One of the telltale signs of angina is a feeling of pressure that many men says feels like their heart in a vice grip that is always getting tighter, and in addition to that chest tightness and pressure sufferers may also have pain in their arms, neck, jaw, shoulder, or back.

Part of the understanding towards what is Angina is being able to identify other possible indicators and if you are experiencing chest pain and tightness along with dizziness, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, or excessive sweating then that should also prompt you to see a doctor. The doctor will do an assessment check to see if you are at risk of cardiovascular health problems. This is one that you can nip in the bud much more reliably as soon as possible, rather than dealing with complications from it down the road. It’s best to play it safe and see a doctor.

Especially if you are over 40 and have never had a health examination that includes monitoring your heart health before. Many times cardiac health concerns are related to diet and being overweight, but poor mental health can make physical health conditions worse and this is definitely true when it comes to cardiac health. If angina is caused it’s probably time to find ways to manage stress.

2 Types

Next up in our discussion of what is angina is to let you know that there are 2 type of angina. Most people who suffer from this chest tightness and pain will have stable angina, and even though it’s not a desirable condition it is better to be stable than unstable. When you’re experiencing unstable angina you may be at risk of a heart attack or on your way to being at that point. Stable angina is also much more treatable with angina medications, and Norvasc and Corgard are good medications for stable angina treatment.

The most important thing to know about unstable angina is that it is unexpected, and it tends to last much longer too. If you are experiencing angina for more than 30 minutes this may also mean it is time to get medical attention as soon as possible as you may be at risk of a larger cardiovascular event in the near future. Unstable angina is not as well treated with angina medications, and that’s also a good point to know with understanding what is Angina.

One last mention here and that is the fact that women can experience angina different than men, and for them it is most common to have angina pain and less of the pressure from it. They may also have discomfort in their neck, jaw, or back.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.