What Foods to Avoid While on Eliquis

The need for nourishment is an ongoing one, and that is going to be true even if you are taking medication to prevent blood clots and avoid deep vein thrombosis risks. Plenty of us have no choice but to be selective about what we eat, but the challenge is doing that and still getting the nutritional value you need. When a person is taking Eliquis to prevent blood clots there are certain foods they should not eat. We will assume you are not a pharmacology and diet expert, so with this blog we will look at what foods to avoid while on Eliquis.
Fruit salad qualifies as salad, but most salads we eat will be primarily made up of vegetables, and all the fiber and B vitamins we get from vegetables are hugely beneficial to our health. But if you look into Eliquis use and what you need to do if you are prescribed this medication, you will likely come across information explaining why vegetables should be avoided while taking Eliquis. Cruciferous vegetables are especially good for brain health, and they are not going to be a problem if you are taking Eliquis.
Instead, green leafy vegetables that are high in Vitamin K that need to be considered with what foods to avoid while on Eliquis. Green tea and cranberry juice should also be avoided, and as is the case with so many Rx medications you should also not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice. This is why vegetables should be avoided while taking Eliquis, and for most people taking a break from these foods is not too much of a problem. A lot of folks find grapefruit juice to be too bitter anyway.
Eat This Way
But we challenge you to find anyone who doesn’t like cheese and butter. Those allergic to dairy excluded. Continuing with what foods to avoid while on Eliquis we can explain that the reason cheese and butter should also be excluded from the diet is because they are high in saturated fats. Foods that are high in sodium are also inadvisable when you are on this medication, and that means most processed meats are on the list too. No more cold cut combos, at least until your blood clot risks are not present anymore.
We talked about how cruciferous vegetables are so good earlier here, and so if you are asking can I eat broccoli while taking Eliquis then the answer is yes. It is the leafy green vegetables that you should pause for a while, and the last area we should look at with what foods to avoid while on Eliquis are herbs. Many people take herbs to supplement their health or added to dishes to enhance flavor, but here are herbs to avoid while taking Eliquis:
Gingko Biloba
White Willow
All three of these can act as coagulants and limit your medication’s ability prevent serious blood clots. If you rely on Gingko Biloba to improve cognitive function or limit free radicals, then you can speak to someone at a natural health store who might be able to recommend an alternative.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.