The Nutritional Benefits of Healthy Fruits and Vegetables

Local fresh fruits and vegetables are hard to come by throughout the year. Therefore, many times we find that fruits and vegetables come from all over the place, including countries like Mexico. Unfortunately, such fruits and vegetables bought from faraway places are not as fresh, and they become rotten quickly.
However, during the summertime this is not the case, as many of the fruits and vegetables are now local as they can grow well during the summer season. In addition, they are a lot cheaper and are usually free from toxic chemicals.
This also makes it a perfect time to go and pick blueberries with the family as it will create bonding time. Plus, it is a great opportunity to even grow a few herbs, vegetables or fruit in your backyard.
But have you ever wondered what nutritional value is attached to summer local produce?
What are the benefits?
Dill - is a great herb as it helps with boosting your digestive health, especially if you tend to get bloated a lot. In addition, it helps with your oral health by killing unwanted bacteria. This herb also boosts your immune system so you can fight off diseases and colds. Finally, it is an anti-inflammatory which is great if you are suffering from arthritis.
Basil - does not only taste good in your pasta and soup but also comes with many health benefits. For instance, it can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the joints and muscles. It also has anti-aging properties that will help reduce the look of wrinkles and clears the skin as it acts as a cleanser. In addition, it has a lot of antioxidant properties and contains vitamin A and C which helps the body fight against colds and diseases.
Blueberries - are a great summer snack as they are high in antioxidants which help your body fight against colds and diseases. They also help lower cholesterol and can help burn off fat. Blueberries also help with improving memory because they contain a compound called anthocyanins. In addition, because blueberries contain iron, calcium and other vitamins and minerals they are a great aid for promoting healthy and strong bones. They are also naturally sodium free; this means that they can help lower blood pressure.
Blackberries - are another powerful berry that comes with many health benefits. They are low in calories and one cup only has 62 calories. In addition, they are a great source of fiber which helps you feel full longer, which helps with weight loss. Blackberries also have antioxidant properties which help protect the body from diseases. A regular consumption of blackberries is also known to help enhance memory. They also contain insoluble and soluble fibers which are great for improving the digestive system. Blackberries are great for the skin as they contain vitamin E.
Cucumbers - are a great source of energy as they contain vitamin B, which is known for its energy enhancements. It also keeps you hydrated as it is 95% water. If you are faced with bad breath, cucumbers can act as a mint by killing bacteria. Additionally, because cucumbers are 95% water, they are a great snack if you are trying to lose weight because they have very few calories. Furthermore, cucumbers contain a special hormone which helps produce insulin in the body which has been found to be beneficial towards diabetic patients. Cucumbers also contain silica which is known to promote healthy joints.
Tomatoes - are extremely high in antioxidants which are known to help protect and lower the risk of developing cancer. Moreover, they are a great source of vitamin C, covering 40% of your daily requirement. They also contain vitamin A, potassium and iron which helps to fight against cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin A that is present in tomatoes has also been found to help improve vision. Tomatoes come as great help during the summer season, as tomato juice is known to help with sunburns.
Green Peas - contain high levels of fiber and protein which will help you stay full longer. This is great if you are trying to lose a few pounds. They also contain lutein which is an antioxidant known to help keep cells healthy to promote good eye heath. Lutein is a substance that cannot be made naturally in your body, so the only way to get it is through a food source. Green peas also are rich in vitamin C, B and E. Vitamin E is great for keeping your skin looking good and healthy. This vegetable also has anti-inflammatory compounds which help people who suffer from arthritis. Green peas are also high in fiber which is great for a healthy digestive system.
Corn -is extremely popular during the summertime and is the perfect side dish when you are having a family barbecue. But it also comes with many health benefits too. It is rich in vitamin B and is known to help maintain healthy nerves and cognitive functions. Corn also contains several different minerals which all help to maintain optimal bone growth and healthy kidney functions.
Like many other vegetables and fruits, corn contains antioxidants which help the body to fight off diseases. However, unlike other vegetables the antioxidants are more active when the corn is cooked. There is also a high level of iron which helps people who have an iron deficiency. Corn is a healthy produce if you are trying to gain healthy weight, as there are 342 calories per 100 grams.
Strawberries - are popular during the summer season. They help a great amount with weight loss as they contain a substance called anthocyanins which help burn off the fat that is stored in the body. Strawberries are also high in fiber which helps you stay full longer while consuming fewer calories. They also help with increasing short-term memory which helps when you are cramming for a test or recalling your stall number when trying to pay for parking. Strawberries are also known to help with easing inflammation and contain vitamins that help with the health of bones. To top it all off, strawberries have an agent which helps with whitening the teeth.
Cherries - are a great if you are diabetic as they are low on the glycemic index. Studies have also shown that cherries help people sleep better and decrease unwanted belly fat. They also help with boosting memory as they are high in antioxidants. Cherries are also known for reducing muscle inflammation and muscle soreness which allows for a quick recovery after exercising.
Grapes - are a great source of iron and manganese which are known to help strengthen bones thereby helping to prevent diseases like osteoporosis. Grapes also are known to increase nitric oxide levels in the blood which helps reduce the likelihood of blood clots. Many people consume grapes given their reputation as an old home remedy for headaches. Grapes also help reduce indigestion and irritation in the stomach.
Watermelons - are a popular summer snack for many reasons. They are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants which can help reduce the chance of getting cancer and other diseases. The high fiber that watermelons contain helps maintain a healthy digestive system. They also 92% water; therefore, they are great to stay hydrated during the summertime. Watermelons are known for their ability to help with inflammation and reducing muscle soreness after exercise for a quick recovery.
Kiwis - are unique-looking fruits which help with the prevention of damaged skin caused by the sun, pollution and smoke. They are also known to help improve sleep among adults. The fiber and the potassium in kiwis help support a healthy heart as they reduce sodium which lowers blood pressure.
Peaches - are great to eat if you are trying to lose some weight. This is because, like many other items on this list, they help you keep full for a long period of time and only have 35 - 50 calories. There is also vitamin A and C present in peaches, which help generate new and healthy skin tissue to make sure your skin stays flawless. Peaches are also known to help reduce anxiety. There is also fiber, potassium and choline present which supports a healthy heart.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.