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Is Otezla a Biologic?

Is Otezla a Biologic?

There’s no getting out of the skin you’re in, and those who are entirely happy with the largest organ of their body can consider themselves fortunate. Other people aren’t so lucky, and that will apply to the ones who have to deal with plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis is usually associated with stiff, achy joints, but in psoriatic arthritis, the inflammatory response also manifests itself in the skin. Nail pitting and nail separation are a big part of the problem with psoriatic arthritis, and then the raised, red, and scaly skin patches of plaque psoriasis don’t need to be explained.

Otezla is a medication for psoriatic arthritis treatment, and it works to suppress the body’s inflammatory response so that psoriatic arthritis symptoms are less severe and intense. Some prospective users may ask if is Otezla a biologic medication, but it is not. It is a small-molecule PDE4 inhibitor drug, but it does not qualify as a biologic medication. A biologic must be derived from living organisms, and the active ingredient Apremilast is a fully synthetic Rx drug. What is Otezla used for? Psoriatic arthritis treatment primarily.

Otezla will most commonly be prescribed when the patient is in line to have phototherapy or systemic therapy because more conventional approaches to plaque psoriasis treatment are not providing good results. In those instances, those patients will be less inclined to ask if is Otezla a biologic. That’s because they won’t be pharmacists or physicians, and they’ll simply be everyday people who want to have their skin and joints returned to good health in the best way possible.

Enzyme Disenabled

Otezla is a pill, and it’s rarer to find a biologic medication that is a pill rather than an injection or another administration medium. So that’s all there is to say about is Otezla a biologic, but people who are new to having psoriatic arthritis may be keen to know how Otezla works to go along with what is Otezla used for. Otezla may also be prescribed for Behcet’s Disease, or Silk Road Disease, where the person has recurring ulcers on different parts of the body. Mouth ulcers are included among them.

No matter which condition it is used to treat, Apremilast will work the same way. Joint swelling, skin plaques, and ulcers will all be caused by the inflammatory response, and behind that inflammation is the PDE4 enzyme we mentioned earlier here. Otezla works by inhibiting that enzyme so that it can’t contribute to inflammation the way it would if it was uninhibited. With regards to psoriatic arthritis, the tissues that line the affected joints don’t thicken the same way when the PDE4 enzyme is disenabled with regular doses of Apremilast.

If you need this psoriatic arthritis treatment medication but have concerns about paying for Otezla, then you always have the option of ordering medication online from Canada Pharmacy and paying less for Otezla. Is Otezla a biologic? No, it’s not as it is entirely pharmaceutical. It has no primary ingredient that is derived from a living organism.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.