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How to Get Rid of Eye Allergies

How to Get Rid of Eye Allergies

Red and itchy eyes are going to be happen when someone with allergies is exposed to whatever it is they’re allergic to. The histamines sent forth by the immune system have their orders, and inflammation in the eyes is bound to occur. Puffy eyes can be an equally unpleasant part of an allergy attack and then of course there’s also the incessant watering. Tear ducts going into overdrive because of the inflammation can be another good reason why someone is going to be asking about how to get rid of eye allergies.  

The first thing we can say about that will match the advice that your mother gave you as a child – do not rub your eyes. The symptoms just become worse if you do, and the temporary reprieve from the itching only lasts for a minute if that. Keep your hands away from your eyes, and use them to reach for an OTC antihistamine instead. These medications are effective to suppress an allergy attack, but some people with more severe eye allergies may need an Rx antihistamine like Clarinex.  

Allergic conjunctivitis is the clinical term for allergic reactions in the eye, and the swelling will be building up in blood vessels in the membranes of the eyelids. Knowing how to stop allergies in eyes will involve where that swelling is originating, and it is usually in the eyelids and not the eyeball. This may be an important distinction with how to get rid of eye allergies if you have any inkling towards making your own medication in a bathtub.  

Score a Lid 

Most of those who go through the torment of seasonal allergies and have allergic conjunctivitis will only have this swelling in their eyelids. One of the antihistamines tablets we talked about earlier will usually be enough to provide eye allergy relief and reduce swollen eyelids as a part of that. That is the basics for how to get rid of eye allergies, but if you are aware that it is your eyeballs that are swollen then there is much more of a cause for concern.  

This is especially true if there is pain in the eyeball is painful too or it doesn’t seem to move easily like it normally would. Extreme inflammation of the mast cells can lead to permanent damage to the eyeball, and if you are also losing your vision clarity with a swollen eyeball then it is likely you are dealing with something much more serious than allergic conjunctivitis. A part of knowing how to get rid of eye allergies is to know when you’re dealing with something that goes beyond the way eyes react to allergy attacks naturally. 

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.