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How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

When we face dry skin it comes with the inconvenience of having an unpleasant appearance that may humiliate some people and they may tend to avoid certain clothing to hide the appearance of dry skin.

It is not only the appearance that may be concerning to some individuals, but the health risks that may also be linked to having dry skin.

However, the positive side to dry skin is that it is usually treatable in most cases and there are many things as an individual you can do to make sure that you prevent dry skin from developing.

Here is a guide about everything you need to know about dry skin.

What is Dry Skin?

Dry skin is usually the scaling, itching and cracking of the skin anywhere on the exterior of the body. In some situations, people develop and have dry skin naturally and in other cases it can be sometimes that is caused by other reasons.

One of the most common reasons is due to an allergic reaction; chemically or environmentally.

Furthermore, dry skin develops because of lack of hydration to the body which can cause the first superficial layer of the skin to become and develop dryness.

The most common areas to develop dryness of the skin are the arms, hands, lower legs and the feet. It can result in mild and/or temporary conditions. However, more severe and chronic conditions can become long term and something that people sometimes have forever.

In some cases, some dry skin can cause discomfort, itching and tightening of the skin. If there is continuous exposure to allergies, cold and dry weather it can cause the dry skin to become worse. Therefore, the skin can become even more sensitive and more prone to rashes and inflammation which can result in infections.

Dry skin can also be linked back to some medications and to underlying medical conditions and/or disorders.

If the skin is untreated and ignored dry skin can result in the development of a rash, eczema, bacterial infections, cellulite and skin discoloration. However, on the bright side if taken care of and treated in the right way dry skin can easily be corrected.

What Causes Dry Skin?

There are two main reasons why some people develop dry skin and this is because of external and internal properties.

External properties that cause dry skin include over-washing, harsh soaps overuse of cleaning agents, cold temperatures, humidity, and allergens.

It is also important to note that even though taking a shower may be considered hydrating, it can also cause dry skin. This is because the evaporation of the water on the skin results in dry skin because of the loss of essential oils.

Additionally, you should try and avoid acidic soaps as they can also remove oils from the skin which can lead to dryness.

The most common internal properties that can cause dry skin on some people are because of their medications. In most cases high blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies and acne medications usually have the side effect of dry skin.

In some cases people develop dry skin because of aging and/or hormonal reasons. This is because the skin no longer can develop essential oils from the pores which helps with preventing dry skin.

Additionally, in some situations dry skin develops simply because of genetics. Majority of the time this type of dry skin is caused by something called ichthyoids. This is usually found around the lower part of the leg and has a more of a scaly appearance than a dry one.

Some other causes include:

  • hypothyroidism

  • diabetes

  • malnutrition

The Different Types of Dry Skin

There are four main types of dry skin that are caused by medical conditions:

Allergies: Allergic reactions can cause extremely dry skin when someone comes into direct contact with something that they are allergic to. In most cases when this happens it will cause a rash known as eczema.

Eczema is where patches appear on the skin which look red, inflamed and sometimes have blisters which can cause bleeding when scratched. And if you keep exposing yourself to allergens the eczema will become worse.

Atopic: Atopic dry skin is extremely dry and in most cases is hereditary. This type of dry skin can cause the area to become irritated and inflamed due to environmental and hereditary reasons.

In a lot of cases, many people find that the dry skin becomes worse when they eat certain kinds of food and/or when on a certain diet. It is also sometimes connected with asthma, hay fever or food allergies.

Contact: Contact dry skin is an acute skin condition which can be the cause of dry skin conditions; this can result in the skin becoming red, sore and/or inflamed by having direct contact with some substances and chemical products.

The severity of the affects depend on the person and on the chemical.

Seborrheic: Seborrheic dry skin is a chronic skin condition that is caused by having too much oil produced on certain parts of the body.

The most common areas include: the scalp and the nose. It can cause dry skin to become itchy, flaky, and scaly and can cause redness and a rash.

With this dry skin condition it never really goes away but you can take preventative measures to decrease the dryness of the skin.

Who is Most Likely to Develop Dry Skin?

Elderly are more likely to develop dry skin due to age and their pores no longer can produce natural oils as frequently as they used to. As a result, elder people will develop dry skin on their body.

In addition, if people live in an area where the fall and winter months are dry and the humidity is low also experience dry skin.

Furthermore, individuals who take frequent baths and/or are in the water a lot often have a higher probability of developing dry skin.

What are the Symptoms of Dry Skin?

In most cases, dry skin usually has overlapping similarities to a bad reaction.

For instance, many people would experience the following:

  • Itching

  • Rough, dry and red patches on skin

  • Dry skin is usually found on the arms, legs, and ankles

  • Small and red raised bumps

  • Skin can become thick and leathery

  • Spots can become irritated

  • Spots can become open and infected if scratched

  • Sometimes cracks are present in more severe situations

Diagnoses of Dry Skin:

The diagnostic techniques that your doctor would go through if you think you have dry skin will almost always start off with a physical exam. This will allow your doctor to physically see where the dry skin is located and what kind of dry skin it may be; so they can choose the right treatment.

In addition, you doctor most of the time will ask for your medical history. This would allow him or her to support their reason why you may be experiencing dry skin and to rule out any other possible skin conditions.

Depending on the situation and how difficult it is to find the reason why someone would be experiencing dry skin; a skin biopsy would be taken to confirm reasons or rule out conditions as well.

A skin biopsy "is a procedure where a sample of the skin's tissue is removed and examined under a microscope", which will usually allow your doctor to get more details regarding the dry skin and most of the time can diagnose a number of conditions.

What are Possible Treatments for Dry Skin?

With dry skin, there are many solutions for dry skin and most of the time it is just small change to your daily routine that does not require prescription drugs.

Here is a list of possible treatments for dry skin:

  • Daily use of lotion after showers and/or baths

  • Creams and lotions (external use only)

  • Over the counter moisturizers

  • Over the counter lotions and creams

  • Seeing a Dermatologist

  • Lifestyle remedies

Over the Counter Treatments

Sometimes the store bought lotions do not do the trick for dry skin on some individuals. Therefore, over the counter and prescription creams may be needed.

You can find them at a discounted price online from Canada Pharmacy which also makes it easier with regards to purchasing them.

AHAVA Smoothing Moisturizer

AHAVA Smoothing Moisturizer is absorbed into the skin rapidly. This gives your skin long lasting hydration and makes sure that your skin does not become dry.

In addition, this moisturizer is a blend of exotic ingredients that will make your skin smoother, firmer and younger while protecting your skin from the weather and harsh environment.

AHAVA Purifying Mud Mask

The AHAVA Purifying Mud Mask is great if you are an individual who experiences a lot of dry skin on the face. This is because this mask is enriched with Mineral Skin Osmoter - AHAVA Natural Dead Sea Complex.

It has a blend of natural mud and minerals from the Dead Sea. Therefore, this mask deeply cleanses and purifies the skin. It removed impurities within and dirt which leaves the skin clarified and smooth.

Lidex Cream

Lidex cream has a main ingredient of Fluocinonide and is a corticosteroid. It helps reduce itching, redness and swelling that are caused by skin conditions like dry skin. This cream a prescription is required.

Risk of Dry Skin

With anything, there are always some kinds of risks that are attached.

For dry skin some of them include:

  • Secondary bacterial infections

  • Repetitive itching and scratching can lead to an "itch-scratch-rash-itch" cycle

  • Skin may become thickened from rubbing

  • Lead to chronic skin conditions

Prevention of Dry Skin

Dry skin is most of the time treatable, but there are also many preventative measures that you can take as an individual as well.

Some of them include:

  • Humidifier

  • Limiting exposure to solvents

  • Wool clothing can prevent dry skin from getting worse

  • Avoid strong and acidic soaps

  • Avoid use and direct contact to cleaning chemicals

  • Do not take long hot showers

Lifestyle Remedies for Dry Skin

  • Less frequent hot showers

  • Shorten shower time and/or bath time

  • Avoid hot water

  • Use moisturizing soaps

  • Avoid scrubbing dry skin

  • Avoid use and direct contact with cleaning chemicals

  • Use lotion and creams

  • Humidifier

  • Drink lots of water

Homemade Remedies

There any many cheaper alternatives with treating dry skin that you can make at home.

Some of them include:

Olive Oil: contains antioxidants and fatty acids to soothe dry skin

How to use: apply to skin like a moisturizer and rinse off in the shower.

Milk: acts as an anti-inflammatory and contains soothing properties to help with the itching that dry skin can sometimes cause. In addition, it exfoliates the dry skin and acts as a moisturizer.

How to use: soak a washcloth in cold milk and apply to dry skin. Wash off with warm water and repeat every day until dry skin is gone.

Honey: is a natural moisturizer that has an antioxidant which helps with treating dry skin.

How to use: rub a little bit of honey on dry areas of the skin and leave for 10 minutes and rinse it off in the shower.

Coconut Oil: is a fatty acid that is great for moisturizing the skin

How to use: Apply to dry skin and rinse off after a few hours

Avocado: contains fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants which all help treat dry skin.

How to use: Mash one Avocado into a paste and apply to dry skin. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

Oatmeal: is high in protein, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help with dry skin.

How to use: add one cup of oatmeal and couple drops of lavender oil in a bath and soak for 15 to 30 minutes.

Almond Oil: contains vitamin E and antioxidant properties which help with dry skin.

How to use: Warm oil and massage into body leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off in the shower.

Lemon Juice and Sugar: is a natural exfoliate and contains vitamins which help with dry skin.

How to use: massage into skin and rinse off with warm water

Apple Cider Vinegar: is an anti-bacterial that helps relieve itching because of dry skin

How to use: apply with a cotton ball to dry skin.

Evening Primrose Oil: is good for skin rejuvenation and moisturizing dry skin.

How to use: Apply to dry skin and massage.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.