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How to Cure Dry Skin on Dogs | Canada Pharmacy

How to Cure Dry Skin on Dogs | Canada Pharmacy

Just because you are covered in fur does not mean you cannot get dry skin. We are not talking about Sasquatches here, although it is possible some of them may be in the market for a moisturizer too but apprehensive about wandering into town for obvious reasons. Instead, this discussion of dry skin treatment is going to be for our four-legged friends, as dogs can get dry skin too. The problem is that furriness makes it more difficult to spot, but what we will look at here is how to cure dry skin on dogs.  

We mentioned moisturizers there, and using one is a possible fix for the problem but application of one isn’t so straightforward as it is for us. Instead with how to cure dry flaky skin on dogs it is best to first focus on seeing the symptoms of dry skin, and as we mentioned that is not so easily done either. Do your best though and be on the lookout for excessive scratching which may indicate skin that is itchy and irritated because it is too dry. Other signs may be skin scaling, dog dandruff seen in fur, flaking, or increased oiliness.  

If you make more effort and part your dog’s fur and then see pimples on the skin this can also be a dog dry skin indicator and connected to the skin oiliness we mentioned as the last symptom there. Observe any more than one or two of these signs and it is quite possible your dog has dry skin. So, let us now move to how to cure dry skin on dogs. You know how properly hydrated skin looks and feels good, and we imagine you would like to make that that reality for your dog too.  

Avoiding Allergens  

Making sure your dog is not exposed to allergens that cause their skin to become dehydrated is priority one for how to cure dry skin on dogs. If you suspect this is what is behind your dog’s skin woes but cannot identify the cause, then it becomes time to meet with an overweight veterinarian and have them give your dog a skin allergy test. Some dogs are more likely to have dermatitis, and then living in certain parts of the country like the Southwest where the air is always hot and dry can be a factor too.  

Here is what else you can do more generally with how to cure dry skin on dogs: 

  • Give them a high-quality, balanced diet 

  • Make sure they are on a flea and tick preventative  

  • Use supplements, including a good dog probiotic  

  • Have them groomed regularly to prevent dirt and debris buildup under their fur  

  • Keep facial skin folds clean in dogs like Shar Peis that have them 

  • Use a moisturizer spray for pets if your veterinarian thinks it will be effective for your type of dog 

That covers the basics for dog dry skin treatment, and you are now going to be better prepared to help your dog if it is something they are dealing with, and it is a recurring issue for whatever reason.   

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.


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