Can I Get a Prescription Online from Canada?

You’ll need a key or a combination to unlock a door, otherwise you’re not going to be gaining entry to whatever space is behind it. In much the same way you’re not going to be getting onto an airplane without a ticket unless you’re plenty creative and partially crazy. There are plenty of examples in life where you’re not going to get one without the other, and when it comes to prescription drugs you’re not going to get them provided for unless you’ve got a doctor’s prescription. That’s the way it is and the way it should be. But some may be asking can I get a prescription online from Canada?
Let’s hope that question only comes after you’ve learned that you can order cheaper medication online from Canada. That’s certainly true, although some medications here may not be that much less than you’d pay in USA. But most will be and people who are keen to save money on medications may well have already products from Canada Pharmacy. If those are OTC products then it may be that they didn’t need a prescription. But if it’s an Rx product they ordered they wouldn’t even have had their order prescribed if the doctor’s prescription wasn’t sent along after they’d paid for it.
Federal law in Canada is the same as it is in the USA, and any pharmacy that dispenses drugs without a prescription will instantly be in the hottest of hot water. That’s why it doesn’t happen. So, let’s assume you’re set on getting your prescription filled in Canada, but you want to know can I get a prescription online from Canada so the whole process becomes all-in-one?
Good Recommendation
We don’t write prescriptions here at our Canadian online pharmacy, and that’s because we don’t have a doctor or other type of qualified medical professional here. So, we can’t write a prescription online, but it is possible to get an online prescription from Canada for some medications if you use Prescribe Online. Getting a prescription here isn’t any easier necessarily and you will need to have a consult with a medical professional who will screen you to determine your suitability for the medication. You’re not guaranteed to receive the prescription, but if you genuinely need the medication, you probably will.
There are other similar services where you can get a prescription online from Canada but here’s what you should know first; Canada Pharmacy and any other online Canadian pharmacy can accept prescriptions written by doctors in the USA. That will include a doctor who’s practicing near where you live, or even your long-time family doctor who knows you gest. That prescription is just as valid as any that would be written here, but if you are still asking can I get a prescription online from Canada then let’s continue.
Let’s assume that you have some reason why you need to get the prescription from Canada. Internet connectivity makes that possible, but what you will need to do is call a doctor’s office here and ask that you make an appointment to speak with the doctor. You may also do this with a walk-in medical clinic. You may be asking can I get a prescription online from Canada, but in either instance the receptionist is going to have a different question - why can’t you get a prescription from a doctor who is local to where you live?
Transfers Too?
We’ve covered everything with can I get a prescription online from Canada, and most will know that you can either use and online prescription service or you can be in contact with a Canadian doctor’s office. Those are pretty much your only two options, but those asking the question may also want to know if they can transfer their prescription to a Canadian pharmacy online. We can’t write prescriptions for you here at our pharmacy, but it might make sense that we can receive an existing prescription you have with your current pharmacy.
Not the case unfortunately, and it has everything to do with legality. We talked about how the validity and authenticity of prescriptions is super important for consumer safety and other interests as well. It’s true, and that’s the reason why our pharmacy can’t accept US prescriptions that have already been submitted and partially filled at a US pharmacy. However, if that same doctor can write you another prescription, then you’ll be good to go.
So, can I get a prescription online from Canada? You can, but it’s not as simple as asking a Canadian online pharmacy to write you one. We’ll mention again that if you are looking for ED medication online or birth control from Canada then you especially want to look into Prescribe Online and signing up for the online prescription service.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.