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Does Cialis Increase Testosterone

Does Cialis Increase Testosterone

Testosterone and virility are terms that go hand-in-hand for men, and although the connection’s not as emphatic as some might think it is true that this hormone does do a lot for allowing men to be dialed into their sexuality. There are all sorts of benefits to having optimal testosterone levels, but they naturally start to dip when a man gets into his 30s and there’s nothing to do to stop that. Once men get into the next decade that’s when erectile dysfunction treatment may become a need, so does Cialis increase testosterone too? 

The active ingredient in this medication – tadalafil – is a vasodilator medication that expands blood vessels so that blood flows more easily into the penis so that a man can get an erection and lay pipe. That means laying it to the extent that he meets the woman’s expectations and maintains his self-image at the same time. It’s great this medication works so well to counter erectile dysfunction, but it does not increase the production of any hormone in the body. That includes testosterone. 

There are ways to increase testosterone for older men, and one of the natural supplements for testosterone that is lauded for that is Tribulus Terrestris. This herb does work as a natural erectile dysfunction cure, but the truth is that it doesn’t raise testosterone either. That goes along with the question does Cialis increase testosterone, and the answer is that it does not increase male hormones at all. You can consider testosterone replacement therapy, but there are risks to that and it is inadvisable for a lot of men.  

Maybe Moderation 

Plenty of men have the booze flowing freely as they ply up women with liquor in advance of trying to initiate intimacy with them. This practice has been going on for centuries, and it leads to asking can you drink on Cialis. You can and there aren’t any health dangers, but you should be aware that your erectile dysfunction medication may not work as well if you had more than 1 or 2 drinks. And as it relates to does Cialis increase testosterone, one thing that is well known is that excessive alcohol intake lowers testosterone.  

So, it is best to only drink in moderation at all times if you are concerned about low testosterone for older men, and then only drink a bit if you’re taking Cialis for ED too. It’s good advice, and even more so when you consider how alcohol is fattening too, and a healthier body weight and more muscle mass rather than fat mass means men are likely to have higher testosterone levels. If you want to increase your testosterone levels, you’ll do much better making lifestyle changes and doing resistance training with weights rather than thinking any pill is going to be your magic fix.  

That’s all there is to say about does Cialis increase testosterone. It doesn’t, and while it will fix erectile dysfunction reliably, there’s more to be gained from those approaches than from thinking that your ED medication will up any of your hormone levels. You’re never going to get back what you had in your 20s not matter what you do, but we suppose a man can hope. 

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.


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