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Saving Money on Common Hormone Therapies

common hormone therapies

Pigeons aren’t the most popular birds, and there’s more than a few people who will describe them as vermin with wings. That might be harsh, although it’s true that pigeons will make one heck of mess of subway platforms if they’re allowed to do as they like. No matter what you think of them you have to admit though that homing pigeons are impressive with their ability to cover long distances and return to where they left from. Hormones are the messenger birds of the human body, telling it what needs to be turned or turned off and common hormone therapies involve changing those messages as needed.

Hormone therapy for menopause is one of the more popular applications for it, and the Vivelle Dot and Estrogel are two effective menopause treatment medications that boost hormone levels so hot flashes, night sweats and other bothersome menopause symptoms are not nearly as intense. There’s more than just menopause treatment when it comes to what is hormone therapy and what is it used for. Treatments for prostate cancer or breast cancer are also among common hormone therapies, and in those instances the focus will be on limiting the levels of hormones that the cancer needs to grow.

Growth hormone therapy is much less common but for some people who have stunted growth it can be very helpful for them to grow taller and develop more fully. But bioidentical therapy hormone therapy for menopause is the one that will be talked about most regularly, and that’s no surprise when we keep in mind that ALL women are going to go through menopause around the same time in their lives. For that reason, it’s one of the common hormone therapies that are going to be on the radar for successive generations of women.

We’ll look at all of them here with this entry and wrap it up with some tips about what you can do to improve your results from menopause hormone therapy.

Plenty of Messages

We talked about hormones being like homing pigeons, and it turns out they relay a whole lot of messages that need to be relayed correctly. Improper hormone levels mean that doesn’t happen, and there are hormones related to nervous system function and sleep / wake cycles that can lead to latent poor health conditions if they’re allowed to stay that way. Hormones also pass along messages related to human reproduction cycles, glandular function, cellular activity, and much more. There are more than 200 hormones in the body although common hormone therapies only apply to a few of them.

But again, back to hormone therapy for menopause as the most standard of common hormone therapies. Menopause medications do work well, and there may be some women who use one plus going an additional hormone therapy regimen to enhance their results. Some women get menopause symptoms worse than others, and it is these ones who will want to consider a multi-combination approach. Common hormone therapies used to balance hormones may also promote better mental health for women too.

HRT for Cancer

As mentioned, the difference between these two uses for hormone replacement therapy is that with cancer hrt therapy you are not providing more of the hormone, you are making sure there’s less of it available. In a sense what it is aiming to do is starve the cancer cells out and hormone therapy is proven effective for reducing the chance that a cancer in remission may return. Only men get prostate cancer for obvious reasons, and prostate treatment is another one of the areas where common hormone therapies are used to provide a needed treatment alternative.

This is often true when the man is not able to have surgery to remove the prostate or to undergo radiation therapy to reduce the size of the tumor(s). Men who have this type of HRT cancer therapy may experience strong side effects though, including loss of libido, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue and – interestingly enough – the same hot flashes that women experience when going through menopause. Women who have HRT for breast cancer often have many of the same side effects, but if your PSA levels go down following any of the common hormone therapies then you are probably going to be pleased.

Hormone replacement therapy can be very helpful for people in overcoming health ailments, and it is likely we haven’t seen the end of the possibility’s pharmacology can find for it.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.