Can Accutane Cause Psoriasis

People who have the good fortune to have no problems with their skin all through life are indeed fortunate. Conditions like eczema and psoriasis are a real torment for some people, and it’s a darn good thing that there are medications that make these skin disorders manageable. Having acne is no big deal in comparison to either of them, but nearly everyone gets blackheads and blemishes in their adolescent and young adult life. Accutane is good for cystic acne treatment, but can Accutane cause psoriasis?
The active ingredient in it is isotretinoin, and it is one of the most powerful retinoid medications for acne. It needs to be used carefully and there are potential side effects. The reason isotretinoin is so commonly prescribed for severe cystic acne is because estimates are about half of everyone who uses it gets an acne treatment with long lasting results. But what about those side effects, and does Accutane cause psoriasis? Skin plaques are a whole lot more to deal with than just having to pop pimples from time to time.
Acne can be really troubling for young people though, and that’s understandable. As for Accutane psoriasis, it is young men who are in their 20s who need to really be paying attention when it comes to can Accutane cause psoriasis. Apparently there have been more than a few instances of guys getting guttate psoriasis after starting on Accutane for acne. There was a study done about it that found that people taking it and also taking Doxycycline and / or had sinusitis had more of chance of guttate psoriasis.
Tank Top Now
This is definitely something for young men in this age range to take note of, and using isotretinoin may not be the best choice for you. If you’re using Accutane and you get strep throat your risk factor goes up again, and even though guttate psoriasis usually lasts only a few weeks it can be distressing for someone. It has nothing to do with can Accutane cause psoriasis, but if those weeks are in summer and you’d like to wear a tank top and banana hammock then that’s going to be a problem. Everyone wants clear, blemish-free skin.
The good news for guys in their 20s and have acne is that there are other effective medications that don’t contain isotretinoin. And for anyone that already has psoriasis because of Accutane there are psoriasis relief medications that work well to suppress the skin inflammation and reduce plaques. We’ve covered what there is to say about can Accutane cause psoriasis, and if you are using it now and dread the idea of red, scaly skin then you may want to talk to you doctor about changing acne medications.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.