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Is It Safe Ordering Azithromycin from Mexico?

Is It Safe Ordering Azithromycin from Mexico?

If there’s one class of medications that nearly everyone relies on at least once in a while it’s antibiotics. Bacteria are everywhere in our world, and there’s no way you can avoid coming into contact with them. Nine times out of 10 that contact is no big deal, but that one time it may lead to you getting a bacterial infection. Fortunately, antibiotics are VERY effective at eliminating infections. Azithromycin is one of these antibiotics, and buying Azithromycin in Mexico may get you a better price on it. 

Purchase Azithromycin to less today


Now we will get to the safety of ordering medications from Mexico in a moment. First we'll say that buying Azithromycin in Mexico is an option for Americans who live close to the US-Mexico border. For those who don’t they still the option to order Azithromycin from Mexico and enjoy the same access to cheaper drugs from Mexico. Yes, price isn’t everything and people are of course going to want assurance that the medication is going to be safe and work as intended. 

Medications dispensed from a pharmacy in Mexico are going to be of the same quality and purity as those dispensed from pharmacies in America. Plus, they’ll be just as safe for your consumption. This applies to buying Azithromycin in Mexico in the same way it would for any medication ordered from Mexico. 

Now you may be asking what makes us so confident in saying this. Perfectly fine question, and we’re happy to explain. 

Is It Safe Buying Azithromycin in Mexico?

The reason it’s logical to trust in the safety of prescriptions from Mexico is that Mexico has a federal regulatory body that oversees public health and safety in the same way America does. In America that’s the responsibility of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). They ensure that pharmaceuticals dispensed to Americans are safe, pure, and of acceptable quality. Most people have no doubts about drugs here because of the work of the FDA. 

In Mexico, their regulatory body - COFEPRIS - does exactly the same thing. They do a great job of ensuring that pharmaceuticals dispensed to Mexicans are safe, pure, and of acceptable quality. So you really have no more reason to distrust drugs dispensed from a Mexican pharmacy than you would an American one. Americans have also been confident in ordering medications online from Canada for some time now. Canada Pharmacy is one such pharmacy that’s seen plenty of demand.

Part of that is because Americans continue to be confused about why prescription drugs cost so much in the USA in comparison to neighboring countries. But that is what it is and you’re not going to change that! Instead, look to see if you can get a better price when buying Azithromycin in Mexico. 

If your physicians writes you a prescription for Azithromycin and you can get a better price ordering medication online then buying Azithromycin in Mexico may make a lot of sense for you. This will be particularly true if you’re fighting a tough bacterial infection and need to be on an extended course of medication. 

Azithromycin Cost in Mexico

The price of this medication outside of America is going to make buying Azithromycin in Mexico appealing. Especially to many US customers who may have difficulty affording their medication. Another advantage is that you will typically be able to receive free or discounted shipping with your order. This is also usually standard when your order medications online from Canada. One thing to keep in mind however - you will need a doctor’s written prescription to submit with your order. 

The price of Azithromycin in Mexico is approximately $15 to $17 USD for 30 pills of the 250mg dosage strength. This discount when ordering medication online from Mexico becomes even more attractive when you consider that the average USA price. The same number of pills in the same dosage is between $24 and $27 USD. And in some states and certain pharmacies you may be paying even more than that. 

If you believe that to order Azithromycin from Mexico is your best means of paying the lowest price for your medication, then why wouldn’t you choose to go that route?

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.