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7 Ridiculous Workouts Guaranteed To Make You Look Silly

7 Ridiculous Workouts Guaranteed To Make You Look Silly

Everyone knows that workouts and exercising is great for your health. When you get active and exercise properly you can burn fat and feel great.

However sometimes workouts are boring and because of that it has inspired people to try and make new and exciting workouts that are fun to do. Some of these workout routines have turned out to look pretty funny though.

Here is a list of 10 ridiculous workout routines that people have come up with that never really caught on.

7. Fifty Shapes Of Grey

This exercise routine was inspired by the novel and movie Fifty Shades of Grey.

The ideas behind this workout routine is to simply use only a chair and mats to do workouts that will get you in shape for the bedroom.

By doing certain workouts you can get yourself in the sexiest shape you have ever been.

6. Europlate

If you are interested in doing a workout routine where you barely need to move your body then Europlate is the piece of exercise equipment that you need.

All you need to do is pose in different positions on your Europlate and let the vibrations work the muscles.

The producers of this equipment claim that if you spend 10 minutes on a Europlate it is equivalent to an hour-long workout.

We don't know if this is the case but you can be the judge of that.

5. High Heel Workouts

Another interesting workout comes by combining working out and high heels.

It has long been shown from studies that the impact of heels on women's health includes women that are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis in the future (in particular in the knees). Additionally extra strain is put on the shin muscles, the quadriceps, and stabilizing knee tendons.

However even though there are a lot of negative impacts of wearing heels there are still high heel exercise classes being offered at some gyms.

The benefits are said to include leg and muscle toning, improved confidence, lower body fat, and increase cardiovascular strength.

It appears that the health benefits may be overshadowed by the negative impacts on your health but you can be the judge of that.

4. Prancercise

Just like the name suggests this workout includes prancing around. Created by Joanna Rohrback in 1989 as a way to easily exercise without any equipment.

If you want to make the exercise a bit more difficult you can always add ankle weights to increase the intensity of the workout.

Joanna came out with various YouTube videos and it wasn't until the 2013 when one of the videos became viral and other YouTubers started to Prancercise as well.

Since then her exercise has been included in popular culture such as one of John Mayer's music videos and other various videos online.

This funny workout does have the benefit of being very easy to do with no equipment and very low impact.

3. Kangoo Jumps

If you are worried about the impact that regular exercising can have on your joints then you may want to consider this wacky workout routine that include Kangoo Jumps which is a play on the word "kangaroo".

Kangoo boots were developed in the 1990s to help reduce the impact of vigorous exercise for athletes. However since then the boots have become more popular and have now been used for boot camps, running groups, and exercise classes.

You can burn 25 - 50% more calories while using these boots as compared to regular running. Also the impact stress on your joints can be reduced by as much as 80% while using these boots.

2. Zuu

Zuu is high intensity interval training. High intensity interval training has become quite popular in recent years, but what makes this training a lot different than other training is that you workout as if you were an animal.

What this means is that you make similar movements such as: frog squat, bear crawl, and gorilla movements.

These movements are done quickly within 30 seconds or less and then a small break is taken afterwards. Zuu also features a few movements that are not animal based.

1. Pao Facial Fitness

If you are looking for a more youthful smile then you should consider doing this ridiculous workout routine that is sure to give you a more youthful smile.

The Pao's weights come in 18, 23, or 28 grams depending on the desired intensity of the workout you want to get.

Just using this device 30 - 90 seconds twice a day is claimed to give you a more youthful smile.

The Pao consists of a mouthpiece along with two weights attached to a long flexible extensions.

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