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7 Causes Of A Summer Cold And How To Fix It

7 Causes Of A Summer Cold And How To Fix It

As summer rolls around the corner, many people are excited about finally being able to enjoy the warm sunshine. And in many cases a lot of people are relieved that the cold season has disappeared.

On the other hand, many people may still experience a runny nose, cough, sore throat and/or sneezing during the spring and summer. When some people experience these symptoms many assume that they are just allergies. As a result, many people go about their day assuming that it is no big deal or take allergy medications.

This is because they think the cold season ends when winter ends. This is however not the case because colds also exist during the spring and summer months as well.

Viruses have the ability to live all year around in almost any environment and/or conditions.

What is a Summer Cold?

Summer colds are more common than you think as they occur 25% of the time compared to a winter cold.

A cold, in general, has the characteristics of a viral infection that congests the upper respiratory system. The human body, unfortunately, can never build up a full resistance against all kinds of colds. Additionally, since colds are caused by a virus and not bacteria, antibiotics cannot be used to kill off the virus.

A summer cold can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. And the majority of the time either Rhinovirus or coronavirus cause people to develop a summer cold.

What Causes a Summer Cold?

There are more than 200 different kinds of viruses that exist and can cause a summer cold to develop in a person. There is also a 1 out 4 chance of getting a summer cold this season. However, there are a few causes that can trigger a summer cold that everyone should be aware of.

Here are just a few:

Person to Person Contact: In many cases when someone has a cold or even a mild cold it can easily be transferred from person to person. Even by touching the same objects, like a door knob and using someone's phone.

Airplanes: People are more likely to catch a cold when travelling on a long flight. This is because with the large number of people flying in a small contained area, there is a higher possibility that at least one person has a cold; which can easily be transferred and shared to another person. This is usually called an airborne disease.

Travelling: People who travel to different cities and countries are more likely to catch and/or develop a summer cold. This is because different countries have different viruses that your body may not have been around before; therefore, you have a higher chance of getting a cold because you do not have any immunity against it.

Air Conditioning: The lining of the nose is protected against infections, by having a thin layer of mucus. However, air conditioning extracts and dries out the moisture which makes it a higher possibility of attracting a virus and developing a cold.

Stress: Any form of stress can cause your immune system to weaken which causes your body to develop a lower resistance against infections. Therefore, people who have stress are more likely to have a summer cold.

Rhinovirus: Rhinovirus is active during the fall, spring and summer which can cause many of the summer colds that people encounter. It is known that there are more than 110 different types and/or versions of this virus and causes 10 to 40% of the summer colds. It can cause a sore throat, ear infections and sinus infections.

Coronavirus: Coronavirus causes 20% of summer colds; despite, only being mostly active during the winter and early spring. There are more than 30 different kinds of versions of this virus and belongs to a group of RNA (ribonucleic acid) that causes different types of diseases. It causes an infection in the nose, sinuses or the upper throat.

What is the Difference Between a Summer cold and a Winter Cold?

Many people wonder "what is the difference between a summer cold and a winter cold?"

And the answer is simple, there is no difference.

This is because the colds that you get in the winter and in the summer develop because of the same virus and both colds cannot be treated by using antibiotics. They are both contracted from person to person and both live and stay active within the same time frame.

The only difference that may be there is the way someone may feel having a summer cold compared to a winter cold. This is because people with a winter cold end up staying home most of the time warm and cozy (may because of the weather); however, during the summer many people try and brush off the cold symptoms by staying more active because of the nice weather.

Other than how someone may feel and the actions they take towards a summer or winter cold, there is no difference between the two.

What is the Difference Between a Summer cold and Allergies?

A lot of people commonly mistake a summer cold for summer allergies. This is because many of the symptoms overlap each other and/or are similar or the same. For instance, both consist of nasal dips, scratchy throats, headaches and congestion.

However, there are ways that you can distinguish the two apart.

For example, someone who has a summer cold will have a fever and muscle aches. There would also be a change of the mucus color from clear to cloudy.

In addition, if someone is experiencing respiratory infection symptoms it is most likely a summer cold and lasting from a few days to a few weeks.

Whereas, allergy symptoms can last as long as someone is exposed to allergens.

Symptoms of a Summer Cold:

  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Sore Throat
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body Pains
  • Cloudy mucus

How to Treat a Summer Cold?

Many people that have experienced a summer cold say that they feel worse compared to having a winter cold. This may be true because you do not get to enjoy the sunshine, instead you are stuck inside.

Moreover, there is no cure for colds as they cannot be treated by using antibiotics; instead you just have to let the virus pass through on its own.

When having a cold it is recommended to have hot tea with honey to help with a sore throat. Eating spicy soup and having a steamy shower to open up nasal the passage. Although, these all help with treating symptoms of a cold but may not be ideal when it is hot and humid.

Instead, it is recommended to have iced tea and honey to help with a sore throat. Using a sinus rinse to clear out the nasal passage, drinking lots of fluids, vitamin C, fresh air and medications.

Summer Cold Medications:

Sometimes doctors may recommend cold medication to help treat some of the symptoms. Online sites like our CanadaPharmacy.com have a great source of cold medications that you can buy online.

Cold FX: is an effective medication for both cold and flu. The cold fx is safe and helps with assisting fight off viruses and strengthening the immune system. It is also effective with conditions of travel, work-related fatigue and stress.

Chlor-Trimeton: is an effective medication to clear symptoms of a summer cold. It relieves sneezing, itching eyes, watery eyes, itching throat and a runny nose.

Otrivin: is an effective medication to clear symptoms of a summer cold. It has long lasting relief of nasal congestion caused by colds, sinusitis and allergies.

Otrivin Moisturizing Spray: is an effective medication to clear symptoms of a summer cold. Otrivin contains Xylometazoline, which is used for temporary relief of congestion or stuffiness in the nose caused by hay fever or other allergies, colds, or sinus trouble. It provides fast and long lasting relief from nasal congestion and can help soothe nasal irritation and dryness.

Otrivin Nasal Drops: is an effective medication to clear symptoms of a summer cold. Otrivin contains Xylometazoline, which is used for temporary relief of congestion or stuffiness in the nose caused by hay fever or other allergies, colds, or sinus trouble.

Prevention of a Summer Cold:

With a summer cold because there is no cure it is important to take preventative measures so you do not need to encounter a summer cold and being stuck inside; instead of enjoying the summer sunshine with family and friends.

Here are some ways that can help you prevent the chances of getting a summer cold:

  • Wash your hands
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your face

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.